This sport, once upon a time in 1900, was included in the program of the Second Olympic Games (1900), but this was its only inclusion in the Olympics. However, in 2002, it was again included in the list of Olympic sports, but due to the long duration of its matches (they can last up to 5 days), it was never allowed to the Olympics due to the tight schedule of the Olympic Games. Still, there is a high probability that cricket will return to the Olympic program in 2024 and become a suitable game for this tournament, as new rules have already been developed that limit the playing time to 2.5 hours.
- The cricket stadium is covered with grass, the arena is made in the shape of an oval.
- The game is played by 2 teams, each of which consists of 11 players.
- The ball is bounced in turn. The task is to get the maximum points and not let the opponents go around by the number of points.
- The main players are the batsman and the bowler (the batter and the bowler).
- Why is it profitable to bet on cricket?
It’s all about the relatively low popularity of this sport among bettors – most of the strong forecasters simply do not associate with this game. There are very complex rules, long matches, many features, and nuances. Not everyone has a desire to watch a 6-hour broadcast to make a bet.
Finally, cricket is practically not played in Asian countries and in the USA, therefore, professional bettors from these countries are not interested in this sport. The main backbone is made up of betting amateurs who are passionate about the game and support some of the teams.
What are the frequent mistakes of bookmakers?
Since the number of bets in this discipline is very low, bookmakers do not consider it necessary to have strong (highly paid) analysts in their staff, therefore their lines on this sport are very weak and often based on dry statistics taken from the Internet. If you pay enough attention to watching cricket matches and studying the sport deeply, you can catch bookmakers making mistakes and make good money on betting.
If you think that after reading the rules of cricket once you have become well versed in this sport, then you are mistaken. You can only “beat the bookmaker” if you understand this sport deeper and take information about upcoming matches not only from well-known resources but also from additional resources – local media, official teams’ pages on social networks. Do not be lazy to spend more time on cricket betting and it will pay off with interest!